The Cal Anderson 2020 Park Project is an outreach process to receive and address potential design and programming interventions to Cal Anderson Park. BLM protests following the murder of George Floyd have accelerated efforts in park departments and organizations around the country to take a much deeper look at the assumptions, language, and designs of public space systems. There is a need/opportunity, right now, to address how these issues play out at Cal Anderson Park. We want people to voice ideas who have previously been unheard or who have not been provided the appropriate space to share. The goal of Seattle Parks and Recreation is to implement, immediate, action items and long-term goals. These steps will be aimed at enhancing the sense of belonging in the Park (centering on the BIPOC population) and building on and sustaining the health of the people, the health of the environment and strong community that supports the park.
After months of community engagement, five priorities emerged to create a more inclusive park that reflects our community needs and community values: Art, Conversation Corner, Garden Program, Human Services, and Safety. This engagement and collaboration with the community continued in December 2020, as we began planning for the park opening and associated activation. Today the park is open and SPR looks forward to collaborating with community to determine next steps on bringing about programs and activities around these five identified community needs and values. Please visit SPR’s Parkways Blog to receive the latest updates about the process and activation plans. For questions, email us at
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Goals of Seattle Parks and Recreation: This is the vision of Seattle Parks and Recreation: Healthy People, Healthy environment, and strong communities. We carry out our vision leading with equity.
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